Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that can lead to discomfort and long-lasting issues. It becomes essential to control your diabetes to prevent any further health problems. So, how can you manage your diabetes the best? A question many would have. The finest answer to this question would be to opt for the best ayurvedic products… Continue reading 7 Outstanding and Highly Effective Ayurvedic Products for Diabetes Patients
Category: Diabetes Management
Paleo Diet Guide: Meal Plan, Benefits and More
The Paleo diet is inspired by food that our predecessors used to eat during the Paleolithic era, which dates back to 2.5 million years ago. The argument provided is that ever since the caveman era human genetics have not undergone much change, thereby, diets eaten by first humans are more adjustable for our bodies rather… Continue reading Paleo Diet Guide: Meal Plan, Benefits and More
What is Insulin Resistance? Stages, Cause, and More
Insulin resistance is noticed in diabetic patients who are in the type 2 category. The cells of the patient are not reactive to the insulin and that’s how sugar levels rise in the body. You would not find this problem with anyone who is having type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune disorder… Continue reading What is Insulin Resistance? Stages, Cause, and More
7 Yoga Asanas For Diabetes With Pictures and How to Do It?
As we age and grow older, we become prone to various physical disorders and diseases. One of the most prevalent disorders among elderly not just in India, but across the globe. Although diabetes is not curable, it can be managed by using some modern medicines as well as alternative systems of medicine like Ayurveda and… Continue reading 7 Yoga Asanas For Diabetes With Pictures and How to Do It?
6 Self-Care Tips for Diabetes Type 2
Type 2 diabetes arises when the secretion of insulin is insufficient in helping cells utilize an appropriate quantity of glucose in the blood. Type 2 Diabetes is characterized by mainly two issues Type 2 diabetes may not exhibit any symptoms at first, leading to it going undiagnosed for many years. Symptoms 1. Follow a Healthy… Continue reading 6 Self-Care Tips for Diabetes Type 2
The Importance of Regular Exercise to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels
Exercise is one of the best home remedies for lowering high blood sugar levels in diabetics. When we exercise our body’s requirements for more energy rise. This requirement for extra energy is met by blood sugar. When one does any physical activity like running or quickly sprinting to catch a bus, or playing a game… Continue reading The Importance of Regular Exercise to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels
What is Gestational Diabetes? Cause, Prevention, and Treatment
Did you know that one in ten pregnancies worldwide have been reported to have diabetes? What if you are also one of them from diabetes? Untreated or inadequately treated gestational diabetes could lead to severe maternal and fetal complications. As a healthy diet and exercise won’t suffice to control that, sometimes insulin is needed to… Continue reading What is Gestational Diabetes? Cause, Prevention, and Treatment
Simple Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Levels
Surviving with diabetic conditions is difficult without undergoing any treatment. Diabetes is not a simple disease that gets over within a few days or months. It is a chronic disorder that damages every organ of the body including the nervous system and causes deterioration in mental wellness with the surge in the blood sugar levels.… Continue reading Simple Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Levels
What is Diabetes: Cause, Prevention and Treatment for Sugar
Well if you want to know what is diabetes, it is a worldwide problem related to both lifestyle and genetics as well as some unknowns. According to a recent research conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research, roughly 101 million Indians have diabetes, with another 136 million in the pre-diabetic stage. What is Diabetes?… Continue reading What is Diabetes: Cause, Prevention and Treatment for Sugar
10 Best Foods to Eat if you have Diabetes and 10 Foods to Avoid
If you’re looking for the best foods to eat if you have diabetes, this post is the perfect place for you to be at. Only a diabetic person can know how difficult it is to manage their diet and control sugar levels but with the proper knowledge of food to include and avoid it can… Continue reading 10 Best Foods to Eat if you have Diabetes and 10 Foods to Avoid