Blood Sugar Control Karne Ke Liye Kya Karein
Diabetes Management

Ayurveda 101 for Blood Sugar Control: 12 Home Remedies

If you are looking for how to control high blood sugar easily at home, you’ve arrived at the right place.

Although home remedies are not the ultimate solution for blood sugar control and doctor or an expert should be consulted in case you have high high blood sugar, these 12 herbal home remedies for blood sugar control may help you alleviate the symptoms of high sugar.

Although home remedies (gharelu tarike/उपाय ) can sometimes provide temporary relief or support, you should always keep in mind that they are not substitutes for proper medical care, especially in cases of high blood sugar or diabetes. 

If you have high blood sugar levels, it is recommended that you seek immediate medical attention from a qualified medical professional/doctor who is equipped to handle such health issues.

Also, if you are on medication for blood sugar, do ensure that you don’t stop without consulting a medical practitioner.

That being said, let’s talk about some of the general tips and home remedies for blood sugar control that you could take or incorporate in your daily life.

5 Lifestyle Changes for Blood Sugar Control Naturally

Stay Hydrated

stay hydrated

It can’t get easier than that. Many experts and doctors agree that staying well hydrated can help you manage diabetes type 2 naturally without much ado as it helps blood volume and blood sugar dilution. [1]

The more hydrated you are, the more waste products get filtered from your body. Kidneys work better when hydrated thus removing excess glucose from the bloodstream.

Proper hydration also ensures healthier blood circulation and the cell’s ability to use glucose effectively for energy (metabolism). Adequate blood circulation also helps the body transport insulin properly, thereby removing insulin resistance and stimulating glucose metabolism. [2]

Healthy Diet (manage your carbs)

Healthy Diet

One of the best natural home remedies for controlling blood sugar level is to follow a balanced and healthy diet which is low on carbohydrate. 

In fact, when you focus on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, leafy greens, and healthy fats, your body will automatically be able to manage blood sugar levels and glucose naturally. [3]

Also, it is advisable that you limit carbohydrates heavy, fried and processed foods to ensure that your body is not producing extra glucose and fats.

Read our Post on 10 Best Foods to Eat if you have Diabetes and 10 Foods to Avoid

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise

In ayurveda, it is never the medicine alone, it’s the mind, body and soul and balance of life forces that is the mantra for holistic health and wellness.

A healthy lifestyle is key to good health. Even scientific studies have shown a direct correlation between regular exercise and increased insulin sensitivity. [4] Physical activity like yoga, exercise, jogging or running can help your body use glucose more effectively. 

Encourage yourself and your loved ones to engage in regular exercise or physical activity to stay fit and keep healthy blood sugar levels.

Stress Management

Stress Management

Stress can affect blood sugar levels and believe us when we say, it is one of the banes of the sedentary urban lives that we live taking care of our corporate chores.

In order to alleviate stress and anxiety, it is recommended that you follow a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. 

Trying relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or spending time doing activities you enjoy may also benefit your overall wellbeing and may help you manage diabetes and blood sugar control naturally. [5]

Adequate Sleep

Adequate Sleep

Sleep is as natural as it gets when it comes to treating a lot of ailments. Several studies have shown how good it is to have a sound sleep for effective metabolism. [6]

Make sure you get enough restful sleep each night. 

It is often recommended that you should sleep for 6-8 hours everyday which keeps you healthy and free of stress and anxiety. 

Healthy sleep duration is often regarded by experts as helping your body cells decrease insulin resistance which in turns help bring down increased blood sugar levels.

5 Foods for Blood Sugar Control



In one of our previous entries, we have talked in length about incredible health benefits of incorporating cinnamon in your daily diet. 

Cinnamon has been used and prescribed in ayurveda since time immemorial for its various health benefits, which is now backed by science as well

Some studies suggest that cinnamon may help improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. 

You can add cinnamon to your diet by sprinkling it on oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothies. Yet another way to have cinnamon in your daily diet is to add it to your tea.

A scientific study concluded that cinnamon has the potential to improve the glycemic index in persons with poorly managed diabetes. [7]

Read our post on health benefits of Cinnamon for details



In one of our previous posts, we have talked about incredible benefits of Fenugreek and how you can use it in various forms and ways as a home remedy to manage and control an array of ailments and bodily imbalances.

Fenugreek seeds have been shown to have anti-diabetic properties and may help lower blood sugar levels. 

A scientific study found that incorporating fenugreek seeds as part of your meal may potentially improve diabetes type 2 management by stimulating the body’s consumption of sugar and insulin sensitivity. [8]

Soak some fenugreek seeds overnight and consume them in the morning on an empty stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Some research suggests that apple cider vinegar may improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. [9] Mix one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with water and drink it before meals.

Leafy Vegetables

Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy vegetables should be an essential part of your diet even if you are not having diabetes or having issues controlling your blood sugar levels. These yummy greenies are a rich source of vital nutrients that helps our body function optimally.

Leafy vegetables are rich in fiber and low on carbohydrates. Veggies like spinach, broccoli, lettuce, kale, cabbages, collard greens, Swiss Chard, Turnip Greens etc. are quite low on carbohydrates which directly impact our blood sugar levels.

Also, these leafy vegetables are a rich source of vitamins (A,C and K), fibers and minerals and quite low on Glycemic Index (a value used to measure how much specific foods increase blood sugar levels) which play a vital role in managing blood sugar levels.



A food for all seasons, avocados have numerous health benefits including in regulating blood sugar levels and managing diabetes. They are rich in nutrients that our body often lacks naturally but are vital to smooth functioning of our body and wellness. [9]

It is a science-backed fact that avocado may help increase heart protective cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol and helps with keeping healthy blood pressure and lessen risks of heart related diseases. [10]

It is also a rich source of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant chemicals which helps with reducing oxidative stress and free radical damage to our cells and tissues. [11]

Avocados contain healthy fats, have low glycemic index and quite useful when it comes to healthy weight management which in turn is important when it comes to managing diabetes and controlling healthy blood sugar levels.

Grapes and Blueberries

Grapes and Blueberries

One scientific study conducted by researchers found that eating certain fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of diabetes type 2 in adults. [12] In the study, it was found that “consuming three servings per week of blueberries, grapes, raisins, apples or pears reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%”

However, in the same study, it was also found that consuming these fruits as juices didn’t help with diabetes management or blood sugar control.

Related Post: 10 Evidence Based Benefits of Aloe Vera for Holistic Health

Herbal Tea and Green Tea for Blood Sugar Control

Herbal Tea and Green Tea

Herbal Teas: Some herbal teas like green tea, cinnamon tea, Holy Basil (tulsi) tea, or fenugreek tea are believed to have potential benefits in managing blood sugar levels. 

Green tea is often considered to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It means that drinking herbal tea regularly may trigger the uptake of sugar by body cells thus lowering the level of blood sugar.

Do remember though that these home remedies for blood sugar control should not replace medical treatments or be used as the sole method of management.

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A digital marketer and content crafter by profession and a keen traveler, amateur photographer, avid reader and ayurveda enthusiast by passion, Nikhil Chandra applies his educational qualification and professional experience to write on a range of topics that includes wander wisdom, ayurvedic health and wellness tips and search marketing.

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